The Roaring Brook Lake Property Owners Association (RBLPOA) was incorporated as a non-profit organization 501(c)4 in 1948 by the State of New York to promote the social, civic, cultural and material welfare and interests of the property owners in the Roaring Brook Lake community.
The RBLPOA is dedicated to:
Protecting the health and safety of our environment, the lake’s watershed, and the local environment
Contributing to the well-being of our residents
Protecting the property values of the RBL District
Communicating to the Town Board RBL residents’ opinions and recommendations for the annual RBL District budget (how to spend or not spend our tax money)
Maintaining and preserving the RBL dam, valve and District beaches
Maintaining the health of the lake through promoting good septic system maintenance, controlling sediment and stormwater run-off into the lake, promoting the planting of deep-rooted buffer plantings on the perimeter of the lake, protecting natural wetlands, preventing invasive species from entering the lake, minimizing lawns and hardscape, and using no-phosphorus fertilizers.
Coordinating with PV highway officials requests for road repair, tree trimming and attractive and useable beach parking areas
Keeping RBL residents informed and the lines of communication open with RBLPOA newsletters, general residents’ meetings, committee meetings, the website, and emails
Hosting the RBLPOA summer general meetings for all residents
Hosting the annual RBLPOA Regatta and the Fishing Derby for all ages
Co-hosting with the RBL Garden Club the winter party for adults
Officers and directors are elected biannually. RBLPOA general meetings are open to all residents and are held four times during the summer months at Children’s Beach.
The Roaring Brook Lake District is overseen by the Putnam Valley Town Board, which oversees the Roaring Brook Lake District budget. The RBL District representative is Councilperson Ralph Smith.
You can read the RBLPOA Constitution here.
RBLPOA 2023 - 2024 Board and Officers
President: Mike Moculski
Vice President: John Groetch
Treasurer: Amy Rothman
Recording Secretary: Josh Stoff
Corresponding Secretary: Akshi Federici
The 2023 - 2024 RBLPOA Board (in alphabetical order):
Dennis Berdecia Jr. & Amalia Berdecia moved to RBL in October 2015. They have three children: Dennis Berdecia III who is currently the Lake Superintendent at RBL, Rachel who is a lifeguard on the lake and David. Dennis is currently working on a RBLPOA project, cleaning up derelict boats around the lake and is a yearly volunteer on the Regatta team. Additionally, he is responsible for maintaining the carp fence and provides lake valve support. He is committed to be of service to the community and to serve on the RBLPOA Board.
Bobby Coles has spent almost every weekend plus vacations on Roaring Brook Lake since the year 1980. She has served on the board of the RBLPOA since 1990 as member, chair of the Lake Committee, and three term President. She serves on the Lake Preservation Committee, appointed by the town of Putnam Valley. Bobby continues to give wise counsel and a sense of the history of the ongoing issues that need to be addressed to keep this lake community as wonderful as it is.
Akshi Federici, Corresponding Secretary, and her husband Mike, daughter Myla, and dog Buddy have been at RBL for 10 years and spend most weekends at the lake. The RBL community was the first that Myla was introduced to. Akshi would love to help create a more involved, tight knit, and inclusive community around the lake over time - via multi-generational events, activities, and modes of communication / technology to stay connected. Please feel free to contact her at or 9173747154 with any suggestions.
Tom Gazzola has been a resident of RBL since his childhood (50+ years!) and is a long-time board member with deep connections to the community. Tom served a term as President of the RBLPOA and he was Vice President 4 times. While on the Board, he spear-headed many of the most important projects around the lake, including the creation of the park at the bottom of Children’s Beach, installing a shed on Children’s Beach, and projects involving dredging and reclamation of sand from all three Beaches. Tom has served on various Putnam Valley Town Boards. He has organized RBL community softball games and hikes. He is the organizing force, the voice, and the spirit behind our wonderful, old- fashioned annual RBL Regatta.
John Groetch, Vice President, and his wife Marion are now full-time residents of the Roaring Brook Lake community, enjoying their eighth year as property owners here at the lake. John is fascinated with the environmental beauty and resiliency of our lake and is committed to making efforts that will sustain it for generations to come. John’s passions include fishing, music and renovations of any kind, whether an old musical instrument, a neglected fly rod or just about anything needing vision and a committed pair of hands. John feels that he brings energy, a collaborative style and a wealth of organizational experience to the table.
Robert “Bob” Macedo has lived on Oak Ridge for the past 12+ years, with his lovely wife Amanda, and their senior dog Ginger. He grew up in Garrison, three mountains to the West, on a desolate and isolated single lane dirt road. Bob is totally pumped to be part of the RBLPOA Board and will work hand- in-hand with existing Board Members, to help solve the everyday challenges associated with this community. He’s not afraid to dive right in and get his hands dirty, both metaphorically and physically. Please feel free to reach out to him via email: for any questions or concerns you may have. He’s very open-minded and not afraid to engage in controversial community issues, while maintaining respect and dignity for everyone regardless of the topic.
Mike Moculski, President, is a 35 year resident of the Roaring Brook Lake community. He has been on the RBLPOA Board of Directors since 2014 and served as President for the last two years. He has chaired the Roads Committee and used his great working relationship with the town’s highway superintendents to keep our roads in good repair and clear, especially during the winter. He has a long professional history in public safety. He is a retired police officer, paramedic, firefighter and currently the E.M.S. & emergency management director for a large healthcare system. He is a Life Member and the Health & Safety Officer for our volunteer Fire Department and Life Member of the Ambulance Corps. He is a member of the town’s Board of Assessment Review and the Roaring Brook Lake Preservation Committee. He believes the enjoyment we receive from living here and our property values are both incumbent on keeping our greatest resource, the lake, clean and usable. Mike’s main goal is to continue to ensure the RBLPOA works for the benefit of all lake residents by having all have a say in decisions on how the lake is managed. Communication is key to this. He will continue to improve the ways we keep everyone informed.
Abby O’Brien has been a resident of Roaring Brook Lake her whole life. Now, she and her husband Brendan, have four beautiful children of their own and love being able to raise them in this special place and hopes to see them too raise families here. Abby is full of energy, a great people person, an active board member and vested in the present and future of our community.
Amy Rothman, Treasurer, has been a member of the RBLPOA Board for the past six years. Amy and her husband, Rob, have been homeowners on Roaring Brook Lake for 10 years and absolutely love it! Amy, a former hospital administrator, now works at Mamaroneck High School as the coordinator of their senior internship program. Amy initially worked on membership for two years and has been the Treasurer of the RBLPOA Board for the past 4 years. She will continue to serve as Treasurer.
Al Salanitro has lived at Roaring Brook Lake for 28 years. Over that time, he has volunteered on many projects around the lake such as dock building, boat rack building, weed collection, beach trash collection, carp fence clean up, and Regatta cooking and set up. Roaring Brook Lake is a wonderful place to live with an exceptional family-oriented community. It is rewarding to Al to work with the RBLPOA and to give back to a community that he feels gives him so much.
Joshua Stoff, Recording Secretary and his wife Jill have been part of the Roaring Brook community for twelve years. Jill is a full time resident, Josh is half time till he retires. They lived on the south end of the lake before moving to the north end for the last eight years. Josh has been the Curator of the Cradle of Aviation Museum, a world class air & space museum on Long Island for the last 40 years. He has authored 20 books on aviation & space history and has appeared many times on TV as an aerospace historian. Josh is also an avid gardener and can often be seen puttering around the lake in one of his two antique cars. He would like to see sound barriers installed on the Taconic, which would benefit everyone, but realizes improvements to the Dam must come first.
A member of the Board per our Constitution:
Ina Cholst, Immediate Past President & Chair of the Lake Committee, has been a member of the RBL community for 14 years. She loves to swim, hike and boat. In the winter, she cross country skis and ice skates. She didn’t know it before, but once in RBL, she found out that she is an avid gardener – and, recently, a native plant fan!