Overpass Construction update 4/16/21

We just received an update from DOT re upcoming closures of all four exits at the Pudding Street Overpass.

Taconic State Parkway at Pudding Street Interchange

Photos Updated 4/25/21

Work resumed on Monday March 15 with mobilization and various site work activities, which are ongoing.  Additional drainage installations, curb and roadwork will continue throughout the coming months.

The Pudding Street Bridge over the Taconic State Parkway and all four ramps were temporarily opened to traffic effective Monday December 14, 2020; this eliminated the need for detour routes through the winter months. 

A signed temporary detour will be implemented on, or around, May 3, 2021, with a temporary closure of the bridge and ramps, which will occur for approximately 60 days to tie in the approaches, replace a culvert and conduct paving operations. Notifications are active via variable messaging signs.  

The entire work zone is patrolled regularly to ensure the safety of motorists and crews.  As issues arise in this work zone, the contractor and residency have been tasked with quickly patching rough surfaces.

For additional construction information, please contact the NYSDOT field office at 845-208-6342.

Motorists are urged to slow down and drive responsibly in work zones. Fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone.  Convictions of two or more speeding violations in a work zone could result in the suspension of an individual’s driver license.

For up-to-date travel information, call 511, visit www.511NY.org or download the free 511NY mobile app.

Follow New York State DOT on Twitter: @NYSDOT and @NYSDOTHV.  Find NYSDOT on Facebook at facebook.com/NYSDOT


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