Septic Smarts
Out of Sight, but Not Out of Mind: Your Septic System
Not so long ago, people used outhouses, cesspools, and chamber pots to dispose of human waste. Sewage was frequently and intentionally disposed of into streams, lakes, and the ocean. Fortunately, we benefit today from advances in environmental practices and technology – lakes, rivers, and drinking water are generally cleaner than they were even 30 years ago.
However, our septic systems were installed with the technologies of the times when our homes were first built. Most of them function just fine. However, some septic systems were not built well in the first place (laws were different then, too) and most were designed to last twenty to thirty years. Many are now aged and out of date.
Some of us don’t really know how our septic system works, or even where it is. Let’s face it: it’s not a subject we like thinking about. But, the attention that our community pays to maintaining our septic systems will help to keep our water clean and our lake clear.
Watch a septic tank get pumped.
Here are a few simple things that you can do:
Keep it protected – get it inspected! Have your septic tank inspected and pumped out every three years.
Don’t strain your drain! Use water efficiently. Fix household leaks, consider high-efficiency fixtures.
Think at the sink! Don’t pour grease, fats, or harmful chemicals like paints and solvents down your sink.
Don’t overload the commode! Do not flush non-degradable items such as dental floss, diapers, or feminine hygiene products.
Shield your field! Keep it covered with shallow rooted ground cover or grass, Don’t drive or park on it, and reduce roof and surface water drainage near the drainfield.
Regular septic pumping can decrease nutrients going into the lake and can result in fewer weeds and algae. Septic pumping is the law and it’s the right thing to do.
On January 1, 2017, our new septic pump-out law went into effect. This measure, introduced by Supervisor Oliverio and approved by the town board and the community, is part of a long term plan to protect the beauty and health of our lake.
The law requires inspection and pump-out of each septic tank in the district at least every 5 years. If you are already pumping and caring for your septic system, you will probably not have to do anything differently. If you have a lakefront property or a septic system that is more than 30 years old, you should consider pumping every 2 - 3 years.
Here’s how it works: By law, the licensed septic technician who inspected and pumped your tank sends a report to the Putnam County Board of Health. PV Town Hall reviews the reports in order to notify homeowners for whom septic pump-out is overdue. If you know that you haven’t had a pump-out in five years, do yourself a favor and get your pump-out done before you receive notification. Avoid the paperwork and the possibility of a fine.
Septic FAQs
I did my pump-out a few years ago, but I got a letter of notification in error. What do I do?
You will need to contact the licensed technician or company who did the work and obtain the report – they are legally required to keep those records.
If you can’t get the report, but you have a receipt or other documentation of pumping, bring it to Town Hall. Depending on what you have, it may be sufficient. If there is no record, you will have to pump again.
I’ve never had my tank pumped. I don’t even know where it is. What do I do?
You will need to set up an appointment with a septic pumping company to find and pump your tank. Ask your friends and neighbors for the names of companies that they have used. Click below to see companies that offer us group discounts.
Finding the tank and digging down to the cover may add additional costs to your first pumping. There are 2 expenses here – finding the tank and digging. The technician will use a metal probe or a flushable transmitter to find your tank. Once you have found your tank, make good notes about where it is for next time. If the look of an above-ground cover does not bother you, you can ask about installing a septic riser to bring the septic lid up to ground level. This will save digging costs in the future.
I’m only one person and I’m almost never at the house. Do I have to pump at the same frequency as a family living there full time?
You still have to pump every 5 years. Remember that the requirement is for pumping and inspection. Even if you haven’t flushed the toilet a single time in the last 5 years, the materials of the tank and the pipes to it could have degraded. Regular inspection for corrosion and leaks helps protect the cleanliness of the lake.
In addition, septic systems are active biological systems. When we use a toilet, we add micro-organisms that help to break down the material that is in the tank. Systems that are used infrequently may have “feast or famine” cycles leading to accumulations of thick unprocessed materials.
How do I know whether I have to pump more frequently than every 5 years?
If you have a large family or a small septic tank, you should pump more frequently. If you have a lakefront property or your system is more than 30 years old, you should consider pumping every 2 - 3 years.
Kitchen sink garbage grinders or disposals are not recommended for use with septic systems. If you have one, you should pump every year.
I would like to take the best care I can of our lake. What should I do?
Pump your septic tank every 2-3 years!
Septic systems were designed to last 20 to 30 years. None of them will last forever. Older systems frequently used older technology, such as seepage pits, that would not be up to code if they were installed today, but are grandfathered in. If your system is older, compensate for it; pump every 2–3 years.
Don’t be afraid to err on the side of overdoing it. Our lots are far from ideal for septic systems. The soil is thin, we have a lot of rocks, and many lots are quite steep. Even a septic system that is perfectly functioning from a public health point of view is probably feeding the lake with nutrients (fertilizer) that promote growth of lake weeds and algae. Because of the lake, we have a different level of responsibility than people do in other communities. Each of us can make a small difference. Together, we can make a big difference.
Okay, who can help me?
These two businesses offer discounts to Roaring Brook Lake residents*:
Fred A. Cook Jr. — 845-739-3300 |
Mahopac Septic (Wind River Environmental) — 845-628-4526 | 1-800-499-1682 |
*please note, this listing is for convenience only and does not imply recommendation.